Currently I’m using Joplin with Syncthing-backed file system synchronization. I’m pretty pleased with it, as I do like tagging- and Markdown-based systems.

I plan to upgrade to server-based synchronization, but before doing that, however, I wanted to see what other people are using.

Edit: So far I see a slight favor towards Joplin and Logseq, but I totally didn’t expect (and appreciate) getting so many different answers.

    6 months ago


    combined with some bash aliases, neovim config tweaks, and some bash scripts I’ve cobbled together over time. Then syncthing to share it across my laptop and desktop.

    I’ve tried a few different note taking apps but I always find myself coming back to vimwiki. Its not the most feature rich ‘app’. Matter of fact its pretty simplistic but I dont need or want most of the advanced features of other notetaking systems. But what it lacks in features, it makes up for by being a vim plugin. Seriously, I can’t handle using non-neovim text editors/note taking apps. Having all of my neovim plugins, and other config tweaks make vimwiki the handsdown winner over the rest.

    The missing vimwiki feature for me was a running “to do list” across all of my notes. So I wrote a script that got me the to-do list feature I needed.