Mobile Suit Gundam is a long running mecha franchise that created the “Real Robot” genre. To give a brief explanation, the Real Robot genre typically has a more militaristic feel where …
of the UC OVAs in the early part, if choosing the chronological path, the only one where I would recommend watching something later before the former is Stardust Memories. I personally think you should watch Zeta before watching stardust memories, else youd walk, into Zeta with a preexisting opinion about the titans which had you watched Zeta first, you shouldn’t have given the stark difference in portrayal it is between the two shows.
of the UC OVAs in the early part, if choosing the chronological path, the only one where I would recommend watching something later before the former is Stardust Memories. I personally think you should watch Zeta before watching stardust memories, else youd walk, into Zeta with a preexisting opinion about the titans which had you watched Zeta first, you shouldn’t have given the stark difference in portrayal it is between the two shows.