Don’t Think, Just Jam

  • 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 25th, 2023


  • Totally, I’m just curious because from what I’ve heard manga is a bit more humorous than the movies/shows so it might be a bit of a shock (especially for those who don’t even know about the source material). I also have some… interesting experience watching various fandoms being confidently wrong about a lot of official stuff so that might be why I’m thinking about it.

    Anyway, I’m on board with a manga adaptation - still haven’t read the thing myself and that could be a good push to finally do it.

  • They are a corporation so we definitely shouldn’t take them on their word I just don’t see much value in coming up with imaginary abuse “just in case”. You don’t have to trust to not make up stuff without evidence.

    As for their leverage… it sure is there to some extent but it’s not absolute. As much draw as Hololive as a brand has, viewers stay for specific talents. Every time one of them leaves (whether it’s graduation or termination) they bring some chunk of their audience with them - it’s not like they are completely dependent on the company.

    Edit: As for actual abuse, that was the case with Mel and her first manager if I recall correctly. Dude was fired and they changed their rules to better protect the talents after that. That was the early days, back when they neither knew what they were doing yet nor had a proper staff to deal with such problems. It’s still a screw up, but apparently they did learn from it.

  • I mean… we can go based on what she herself said or based on our feelings - I’ll stick to the former.

    They also defended Rushia when her drama started btw. Termination came after internal investigation found out she leaked info (something I think was confirmed by the dude who was suppose to get it? I might be misremembering this part).

    Don’t take me wrong, I’m not saying you have to believe everything company says or think they are the “goodest boys who can do no wrong”. Not at all.

    What I am saying is that based on the limited insight we do have there’s no reason to think they are super evil. They might be but there’s no serious evidence for that that I know of.

  • What about it?

    They defended both Coco and Haachama, and didn’t give into antis’ demands (hell, Cover was willing to cut the whole Chinese branch instead of firing them). Some people were angry about the timeout of both talents (pretty normal approach to try and let the drama die down) since they thought they were being punished.

    Haachama is still happily with the company and Coco quit way later since she wanted to focus on different content (including face cam streams). Other talents still mention Coco without issues and Coco never talked about any grievances towards Cover (which tends to happen when relationship is less than amicable).

    The biggest bomb from the whole situation was already mentioned loss of Holo CN, though apparently at least some of the talent there was involved in the harassment so it may have been the right choice. Well that, and antis would make it hard to function there anyway.

    As messy situation as it was they handled it relatively well and with each new issue they seem to be constantly improving (compare very early problems like Mel’s first manager, to CN drama to Rushia’s termination).

    Are they perfect? I mean… they’re a corporation so the best I can say is: they seem do be doing as decent as they can.

  • The only ongoing series I’m keeping up with is Frieren - not much to write about this one. It’s good and nicely improves on the source material.

    On the other hand, I promised myself to try thin out my backlog a bit and decided to start with El Cazador de la Bruja - it’s a story about a girl with special powers traveling through Mexico with a bounty hounter.

    It’s a bit rough and feels low budget at times but it’s not bad. There’s some action (with anime understanding of guns), kind of a boring villain (at least for now) and writing varying between medicore to pretty alright. There’s also plenty of funny (and fun) scenes, some nice backgrounds and an excellent soundtrack by Yuki Kaijura. Pretty decent watch so far.

    I have some ideas where the story might go but I’m also still early into the show (episode 6 out of 26) so we’ll see how things go. I don’t expect my opinion change much unless there are some crazy swerves before the end honestly.

    Oh, ED has a cat with a sniper rifle in it. Still waiting for it to show up in an episode - it has to, right? ED wouldn’t lie like that.

  • Besides, this community is present on both Lemmy Community-Browser and Lemmy Explorer - two main sites I tend to link to anytime someone asks for a way to find new communities. There’re also links between communities with cross-posted threads which should also help with discoverability.

    I feel like focusing on building a fun and welcoming community with user base interested in spreading the word is the best approach at the moment - all in all, it’s still relatively early days of reddit-like part of fediverse. There will be plenty of time and opportunities to grow.

    Hell, I’m one of the people who stumbled on this instance by accident and eventually decided to make in my main hub for anime & manga related discussion.

    I’m not a model user however, as I tend to go community hunting for fun from time to time so that that as you will.