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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Hardware encoding is really great to have on a server. A lot of the time you wouldn’t even think about its existence in a desktop use case but if you monitor resource metrics on a server you can see how huge of a help it is.

    I use an old 7700k for my media server. Took a little stint of configuration to pass the integrated graphics device from the Proxmox hypervisor, into the k8s worker node VM, and then into the Jellyfin pod, but very much worth it. Jellyfin x264 1080p transcoding now takes roughly a third of the CPU resources compared to doing it all in software.

  • Pro tip: If you use Porkbun, don’t leave your domain’s authoritative DNS with Porkbun nameservers.

    Over the year or so I had my stuff configured this way, on at least one occasion (that I know about… I was still setting up my observability stack during this year), the servers were flapping hard for over a day, causing my records to magically vanish from existence intermittently.

    I tried contacting them every way I could, hell I even descended into the quagmire of Twitter and created an account so I could tweet at them… and got silence.

    Pretty disappointing. I ended up moving all my DNS to AWS Route 53 after a few hours of pulling out my hair. They did eventually respond to my email like a day later, after I’d already moved everything over.

    But idk maybe I’m wrong expecting an indie domain registrar to have super high availability on their nameservers… oh well

  • Prometheus, Loki and Grafana.

    And so so many Prometheus metric exporters.

    Observability is such an endless rabbit hole, it’s so easy for me to spend huge amounts of time accomplishing not that much lol. But very enjoyable and cool to see it all come together.

    My pro tips: using Kubernetes actually makes this stuff a heck of a lot easier to set up thanks to the common patterns that k8s has - lots of turnkey helm charts out there that make it all so easy and are powerful. Another tip would be to use Prometheus service discovery if you can. Also, Loki/Promtail is actually quite easy to set up - but using LogQL queries can be very tricky. Just be warned, observability is a full time hobby in itself lol