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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Mein Sozialkundelehrer war Stadtrat und hat immer Mal aus dem Nähkästchen geplaudert. Er sagte uns, dass Knöllchen fast ein Nullsummenspiel sind (Einnahmen vs Gehälter der Mitarbeitenden, Verwaltungsaufwand, etc.). Dennoch hatte der Stadtrat für mehr Kontrollen gestimmt, jedoch offensichtlich nicht aus den Gründen, die die Bürger ihnen vorwarfen.

  • Everyone keeps saying that but I just can’t see it. The only time my mails were rejected was because I didn’t know what I was doing at the beginning of my journey. Now, whenever I changed my stack or did some major updates the past 20 years or so, I just go to 2-3 sites that analyze my mail server from the outside and tell me if there is anything wrong. The free tier is always more than enough. Just make sure there is at least one service in the list where you send an email to a generated mailbox and have it analyzed. Just looking at the mail server is not enough to find all potential configuration issues.

    I aim at a100% score. It’s time consuming the first time around but later it’s just a breeze.

  • Most of your points seem to be spot on from what I understand as well. However, I believe that the GDPR requirements can and should be baked into Lemmy itself. This would prevent the fragmentation you mentioned. A guarantee of removing user data as requested while federated plus a guarantee to remove stale user data while defederated since requests won’t get through in that case. That would “just” leave the list of processors. This one can be very tricky because you are not just sharing data with your home instance and their federated instances but also with the federated instances of those federated instances. The home instance has no way of learning about the 2nd degree federation. I have no idea how to get the network of data sharing GDPR compliant and I think this is the mich more complicated part that your proposal also suffers from.

  • Almost everything has been mentioned already so I just stick with the unusual: I host a private MediaWiki instance for note taking in my pen and paper rounds. It’s amazing once the other players got a bit more comfortable how to use it well regarding templates, categories and articles. My only regret is that I didn’t set up new instances per gaming group.