Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.
Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.
My sister insists I’m adorable.
But specifies that it is in this way:
It was one of those artist chain-reaction phenomenon. Someone drew the basic deisgn, enough other artists liked it that they drew their own versions, which got seen by more artists who then wanted to do it too, etc. Boom, thousands of fanarts.
It happened with Earth-chan, and Bowsette.
It happens every now and then. Another that comes to mind is the Miku beam animation phenomenon.
Satania, she is from Gabriel Dropout.
Holy shit! More Patlabor!? Finally!
I will be watching your posting carreer with great interest.
I know. My posting tool tries to find a suitable title automatically, and sometimes it misses.
Heck yeah!
This person draws like a god. I really like this.
True. A very important achievement omitted.
I run that community, too. If you’re using a client that supports it, you should also see this post has already been posted there.
Something is up with catbox, it seems.
idk, kinda feels like she’s being a snack and in no way hiding it
Obligatory !
Now we just need a Miku version.
She is pretty cute. My siblings and I have managed to grow up together almost completely free of sibling antagonism.
She’s around here on lemmy, too, though as a lurker, I suspect :D