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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Great idea we can organize that between our instance instead of waiting for the next year. :D

    I quickly drafted some rules :

    • the competitive instance chose together a subject
    • the pixel art must be original and not copy-pasted from web. we don’t use a template : hosted and template desactivated.each instance will have their private layer. Once the event is over, our draw will be revealed.
    • 2-3 day to draw and send the result
    • 1 week for voting

    I love drawing, i’m quite good at it, except perspective :)

  • Well, i find your post very aggressive…

    i didn’t miss your point and wanted to put another point of view on how usefull flag are on a collaborative and competitive space.

    We got our 4 small flag erased because we were french.

    I noticed people start drawing flag, then draw something. Why ? Because it is visual. You are simply telling them : “We are this community, and here is our drawing area.”

    And yes there is conflit due to the lack of space and human ressource.

    It doesn’t dimiss you point, that’s just another point of view. You are right too.

    So from your stance we should erase the major flag : trans flag, germany and rainbow in the same way as Void that erased other people work ? What do you think it will happen ? What do you expect from attacking them ? A pixel war ?

    Will they understand your point ?

    That’s not fun. You can create a group, that’s a good idea. when the canva will start, go to their matrix room and suggest some drawing. But don’t attack them.

    Because if you attack them :

    • people won’t be creative and try to protect their flag. You won’t get any creativity except revenge : they stop drawing and fiqht you back. Unless you suggest them some drawing.
    • you may get a ban once notified
    • your fediverse id may be shared among other admins instance and get banned.

  • I would like a shorter timer for small instance. So bigger communities have a longer timer and small a shorter one. But i affraid it wont help at all.

    Protected area as in minetest. It would help against grief.

    Also for new account with 0 coms, just created during this canva event : restriction, second layer for drawing before approval…something like that ?