• 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • I think the questions are more prominent because a wider audience of people are becoming more privacy conscious.

    In my case, I haven’t had the advantage of going to school for any of this, so I have to pick up knowledge where I can. If there is a reliable tool available to accomplish my task, I’m more likely to use it than to pursue a more manual solution because even simple computing questions can be rabbit holes that result in hours of reading and learning.

    The reason that I made this post is because your options are always limited by your awareness of available solutions, and I presumed there might be someone else out there who has struggled getting a VPN reliably bound to a service.

  • Are you using Nginx to make your app available on the web? If you are on a home internet connection, how confident are you that your ISP has given you a static IP?

    Running Nginx and Tailscale to route traffic through a VPS with a static IP has been way more reliable for me than any attempt at static IP hosting from a home connection in the past. At $5-$15 per year, a VPS is cheaper than the hassle of troubleshooting with an ISP at home.

  • Have you tried the docker version? Works perfectly for me. Here’s my docker config if you want to give it a shot:

    sudo docker run -d
    -e PUID=1000
    -e PGID=1000
    -p 5000:5000
    -v path/to/kavita/config/:/config
    -v path/ro/kavita/ebooks/:/data
    –restart unless-stopped

    Edit the time zone and volume paths as needed. You can just make a new volume for config and it will fill it with settings stuff, and then point the data volume to the folder with your ebooks.

    The ebooks themselves need to be sorted a little differently depending on if they are PDF’s, ePub, or comics, but it isn’t to hard once you get the hang of it. Basically ePub likes to be in a subfolder and PDF likes to be in the root folder for some reason, otherwise it puts the PDF’s in a collection named after the subfolder.

    Overall, I’ve been really happy with Kavita and think it has a lot of potential, especially as an ebook extension of Plex since the layout is nearly identical.