Netflix gave directions on removing stains the leak may have left on any clothing.
It’s like reddit, but I don’t have to feel icky.
given up looking for replacements
Netflix gave directions on removing stains the leak may have left on any clothing.
ew, no thanks
Assuming you are referring to, here are some alternatives:
Every night is still probably overkill. My neighbors’ APs rarely/never change channels.
Using the UniFi WiFiman app on a gigabit fiber connection from my phone to a U6 Long-Range access point (802.11ax, 40 MHz, crowded suburban area, channel scanning each night with auto-select enabled), I’m getting 321 Mbps down and 402 Mbps up.
For anything for which I care about getting the most speed within my network, I use Ethernet.
Good point!
It’s especially nice to use either of these on Linux because you can use symlinks to have the server think the audio files are in more than one place without using any extra storage space.
Just make sure to always be careful with recursion.
I’ve used (apparently now) before for this exact purpose. I mapped out network, devices, and services.
This was going to be my suggestion. It may seem like you need a account for it, but there is a way to use the equipment without one.
Long-time happy TigerVNC user. Solid product. Active development. Responsive to bug reports and feature requests.
The EFF’s concept was from the Napster days, but I think this was written later on.
what does that even mean?
Something like this:
I think NUC’s internal drive can be upgraded.
USB drive would be fast enough for anything going out to or coming from the Internet.
NAS is a cheap(ish) way to get lots of storage.
I wouldn’t attach storage to my router for the use you’re describing.
This is such an important message, I keep this on my phone:
• GCstar • LibreOffice Base
What OS are you on?