• 7 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Yes, it gives you notifications on events about to happens (or for which you have set a timed notification ahead of the time). But can you get a week overview? Or a day overview? Do you have a calendar in the watch? Because I do, and mine is empty because it can’t sync with proton (mind you, I still receive notifications for the events coming in 30mins, or a day ahead if I set it that way on the proton calendar app…but I can’t view the event itself, just the notification of it!).

    Android itself (GrapheneOS in my case) isn’t getting calendar events, because Proton Calendar isn’t an Android Calendar app. If you click on your Permission Manager, you can see the different kinds of permission specific apps can request. As in, access to the phone, to the cameras, to the SMS, to the files…to the CALENDAR. Guess which app doesn’t even bother to use the Android calendar infrastructure laid for them? Because internally it’s not officially an android calendar app, at least not internally in its manifest.

  • Sure. But you should be able to decrypt it, so you can use your favored application, if so you choose. Or your favored OS. Which in my case is GrapheneOS. So I’m already in a kinda private environment. I can trust the internal OS not to talk to GOS. And I can trust my watch to do the same, because it’s locked completely thanks to Gadgetbridge. The official companion app only saw the watch in the initial pairing/key exchange, in a garbage separate profile that doesn’t hold any useful data, and it was removed immediately after. As you can see, my scenario is full data lockdown, and yet I can’t choose my favored app to use in my trusted zone.

  • While they’re reinventing the wheel at every step, the default email protocols involve your email being unencrypted at every hop until it reaches destination. While their solution in effect also has the same issue, they allow for sending encrypted emails you can only open by clicking on a link to decrypt them, or similar. And everything at their end is fully encrypted, which is why i bought in…But its getting old at how everything is a closed ecosystem not playing nice with anything else in any OS.

  • O.M.G…so many hours wasted. One of my first searches already returned “you should increase client_max_body_size to something like 50000M”, and I was like I aLreAdy iNCreAseD mY client_max_body_size tO zERo sO its uNLimIteD DuH <spongebob.jpg> Well turns out my client_max_body_size 0 parameter was in a section defining parameters for a different container/server. So of course it wasn’t applying to Immich. Just added the same line to Immich section too, restarted nginx…and the backed up asset count is already wayy ahead of the ceiling it would always hit at 180ish assets. I think I might have found my issue.

    Thanks for all the help and following up!

  • Thanks for all the help. I changed the paths as I was mentioning a bit on the .env, so they matched the ones on the docker-compose.yml. But no dice. I think it gets stuck at the same picture, although I’m not 100% sure which one. After I rebuilt the container, the number of assets increased by two, but I also realized that I took a couple pics earlier. So it added those two and crashed a while later at the same spot as before…Is a picture/video capable of corrupting the whole backup?? Also, I’m not sure how to properly track which one is messing it, because the backup seems to have skipped a lot of pictures in what it copied.

  • I mean, my concern is…it would seem in docker-compose.yml that these paths would match:


    , which might explain why I’m getting a thumbs folder inside my /media/MyNAS/Immich/immich-files…same with profile and encoded-video. The thumbs clearly is being used (the one inside Immich/immich-files/thumbs), while the root-located one (Immich/thumbs) is not. The root-based folders might be created due to the .env file, but then not used…and maybe it’s confusing Immich? Can I remove the entries from the .env, leaving just the UPLOAD_LOCATION one? Or am I making myself a mess this way? Maybe I should make them point equally in the .env to the same sub-paths inside immich-files so they match the structure in the docker-compose.yml? Sorry…kinda new to docker compose.

  • Good point about media storing. I seem to have some loop folders issue. My Immich folder has encoded-video (empty), profile (empty), thumbs (with stuff), and immich-files…and immich-files has encoded-video (again, empty), library (with all the stuff), profile (empty), thumbs (empty) and upload (empty). This is my .env:


    And…this is my docker-compose.yml:

          - ${UPLOAD_LOCATION}:/usr/src/app/upload
          - ${THUMB_LOCATION}:/usr/src/app/upload/thumbs
          - ${ENCODED_VIDEO_LOCATION}:/usr/src/app/upload/encoded-video
          - ${PROFILE_LOCATION}:/usr/src/app/upload/profile
          - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro

    Is there anything obviously wrong that would make Immich place stuff in weird folders? Should I remove all the additional paths from .env, leaving only UPLOAD_LOCATION?

  • Thanks! I never walked through that screen yet…I’ll try that!

    EDIT: Seems…not to have done much. Backup keeps tracking and uploading a ton of files. Many more than what the server actually displays, as in, I’ve seen the backup go through pictures with dates the server doesn’t seem to show. I’ve seen it slowly go through at least 15-20 videos for example, but the server only acknowledges a grand total of 2 video assets.

    EDIT2: Oops, seems the screen eventually turned off and backup stalled…Let’s see what it does now… …aaaand back to May 25th. Yup, still the same problem here :(