Haha well that’s uhh…
Haha well that’s uhh…
Ngl that’s a interesting idea. Would definitely want it running locally, though.
Regarding the TTS specifically, I remember looking into TorToiSeTTS back when this stuff was first coming out. You can generate ElevenLabs quality audio with it, but it’s insanely slow. In fact, when I was looking into it, it seemed like ElevenLabs may have been using a (much faster at the time) version of TorToiSe TTS, given the output is so similar.
According to the linked Github page, they seem to have solved the speed issues now, so it might be worth looking into. Of course, the other commenters have provided solutions that are pre-integrated into the LLM, but if you’re just looking for TTS this could be worth checking out. Also worth noting that this requires an NVIDIA GPU.
Ahh okay, interesting. I’ll have to give this a try, then.
True, these do sound like the best solutions honestly. I wanted to avoid something like Tailscale, since it just becomes another point for me to support/troubleshoot on the user end, but maybe I should reconsider. It’s a tradeoff, but it would also simplify a lot on my end.
Sorry, yeah, “broadcasting” was a bad word choice. What I meant was that if I port-forward, it exposes that socket to potential bad actors searching for exposed services.
Thanks, I’m only very vaguely familiar with NGINX, so I appreciate the clarification.
Thank you for such an in-depth reply!
There’s a lot to take in here, but it sounds like I’ve got some work to do - not necessarily a bad thing. It’s honestly about time I took my network more seriously and set up some proper routing / firewalls.
Yeah, thats definitely something I need to look into setting up.
Wouldn’t this require any user to connect to the VPN though? I’m looking for something more publicly accessible - say like a website.
Ahh okay, thanks for the clarification. Honestly I should use NGINX just for the sake of learning it, if nothing else.
I messed with pfsense a bit at my old job, but never really thought to use it in my home network - might just give that a shot, thanks!
Just in terms of broadcasting my home IP directly vs having a middleman, essentially.
Thanks for the reply!
So the NGINX server hosted outside your network, then? And then reverse-proxy that into your home server?
Honestly, I feel like NGINX is a bit overkill for my situation, since I’m not expecting to have a lot of traffic. I could be wrong, though.
As for nothing being resolved, I feel like the main character did work through his grief and trauma surrounding the death of his mother, which imo was the central conflict.
That said: You don’t have any obligation to like anything. If it didn’t hit for you, that’s 100% okay. You aren’t “fake” or “wrong” if it didn’t vibe with you.
Of all Ghibli movies, imo this one is most similar to Spirited Away. Hard to say for certain if you’ll like it, but I definitely think it’s worth a watch.
It’s tough to give a reason other than “vibes,” but it made me feel a broad range of emotions throughout the film, had beautiful scenery/animation, and had fun and quirky characters. Plus, this one felt much more “adult” than most Ghibli movies, which surprised me in a good way.
People are saying the plot is jank, but I’ve never gone into a Ghibli movie for the plot. It’s more of an emotional experience to me.
To offer a dissenting opinion: As a Ghibli fan, this might honestly be my new second favorite Ghibli movie.
What’s this – a movie?
I had it running on Windows (no container) a while back. Wasn’t particularly difficult at that time, at least.
Can’t give any advice here though, since all we’ve been given to work with is an OS.