Always uneasy about PE owners since their values tend to be opposed to creating well-liked, sustainable businesses. Hope they don’t start gutting budgets, loading up the balance sheet with debt, and siphoning off profits. RIP Toys R’ Us.
Always uneasy about PE owners since their values tend to be opposed to creating well-liked, sustainable businesses. Hope they don’t start gutting budgets, loading up the balance sheet with debt, and siphoning off profits. RIP Toys R’ Us.
Yeah, I agree. A-1 did a great job with it. Hoping for the same with Fate/strange Fake
86 -Eighty Six-. Been pretty good so far. I’m a fan of Hiroyuki Sawano’s music in general
$6.4B for HashiCorp on the heels of $4.6B for Apptio and $34B for Red Hat back in 2018. I wonder how long until they expect each of these acquisitions to be accretive?
Recently moved over to porkbun after dealing with a couple billing issues with namecheap and not getting the best customer service. Been pretty happy so far.
That’s pretty cool
Growing up watching Dragon Ball and DBZ is a fond memory and definitely a reason I got into anime like many others. Thanks for sharing your creativity with the world. RIP Toriyama-san.
Damn. Season 2 has been crushing it too, especially with all the epic fight scene animations. Hope they figure things out and give the animators better working conditions.
Cowboy Bebop is timeless.
Fate Stay Night: UBW and other Fate series.
Currently enjoying Jujutsu Kaisen.
Jazz-themed sci-fi + Watanabe + MAPPA… I’m so hyped. Let’s jam!!!
Cool, hadn’t heard this was happening. May try to catch a showing