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Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • This is a series that has reminded me, at various times, of Wolf’s Rain, Ergo Proxy, and the David Lynch version of Dune—not always in a good way.

    In the end, I think this needed to be two cours to give them enough space, or else they should have slashed the Original Nine down to the Original Five-or-so to make more space for other aspects of the story.

  • I don’t think I’ve ever seen it happen at all with a professional translation, and only very rarely with amateur ones. I’ve seen pro translators screw up, self-censor, or get censored by management that are fearful of lawsuits, but none of those represent an agenda beyond making money. Messing up the translation deliberately is a good way for the translator to not get paid and/or not get more gigs. I won’t say that it never happens, but I doubt it’s more than once in ten years.

    Some fans are too sensitive to perceived “agendas” and too quick to allocate blame, methinks.

    (As for MTL, it isn’t there yet. Maybe in another decade or two. And as you say, the management layer that’s terrified of lawsuits isn’t going anywhere.)

  • You’re assuming that the set of people surveyed was truly random, but it never is—people who don’t like answering surveys are always underrepresented (obviously), and the article isn’t specific about how people were recruited for this one. There isn’t enough information to tell how much skew might have been introduced as a result. Surveys are always kind of iffy as information sources: not meaningless, but with a lot of subtle noise in the signal.

  • For what it’s worth, Ray isn’t really worth going back for, or at least it didn’t make enough of an impression for me to remember much except the title.

    Some of the Black Jack material is worth watching, but you can dip into it at almost any point from the 1990s OAVs on and make some sense of it, since it’s fairly episodic. The characters’ backstories are interesting, but rarely necessary for understanding the plot. (There’s also Young Black Jack, a more recent series—Wiki gives a 2015 airdate—that I forgot about initially which traces part of the title character’s origin story.)

    Monster is worth watching on its own merits, if you haven’t seen it already (it was early 2000s, if I recall correctly, so outside your timeframe), but only the first few episodes could be considered medical drama. After that, it proceeds in quite a different direction.

  • The classic anime medical drama is Tezuka’s Black Jack (there have been multiple anime adaptations of the manga over the years, the last one being the TV series Black Jack 21, from 2006). Other than that, there’s Ray (also airing in 2006), some individual episodes of Monster, and maybe the currently airing Surgeon Elise, depending on the direction it goes in? There was a period where you didn’t see medical dramas much on Western TV either, and maybe Japan is going through a similar time. (Now I feel old. 😭 )

  • I don’t know if I want to know why a girl is doing Lamaze breathing while looking at an enormous frog in front of her face. It is just one of those weird mysteries of life.

    In this case, the context just makes things weirder. Yes, really. 😅

    (I mean, we’re talking about a show that involves three invisible penguins, two brothers who aren’t really, their terminally ill sister, a posessed novelty hat, a terrorist’s ghost, the most inept stalker ever, and a mysterious object that may or may not be able to change the world.)

  • Ikuhara has two more recent single-cours anime series—Yurikuma Arashi and Sarazanmae—to his credit as well as Utena and Penguindrum. His work is always full of symbolism, magical realism, and miscellaneous lunatic-arthouse-film stuff that can take years to comb through, depending on how far down the rabbithole you want to go. (He also worked on the fourth season of the original Sailor Moon, AKA SuperS. Make the mistake of looking too closely, and you can see nascent bits of Utena in it.)