I take my shitposts very seriously.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • At some point, you have to compromise.

    • You can open the port(s) used by the game on the firewall (assuming you have a publicly routable IP).
    • You can run OpenVPN or a proprietary solution, but you’ll have to open a port on the firewall, and I know from experience that they’re a bitch and a half to configure.
    • You can run Wireguard, but you’ll have to open a port on your firewall and have the other clients generate and send you their public keys.
    • You can run Tailscale (my preferred solution), which uses Wireguard and works without opening the firewall and without a publicly routable IP (e.g. behind CGNAT), but you’ll have to install the client, have the users sign in, and then add them to your tailnet, which IMO is much easier than setting up Wireguard peers manually.
    • You can use Tailscale Funnel, which exposes your tailnet to the public internet, but it’s in beta, has high latency, and only supports TCP, so you’ll have to figure out how to smash UDP datagrams through a TCP tunnel.
    • You can try Ngrok (my backup in case Tailscale can’t connect), which is a similar NAT traversal solution, but it only supports TCP and gives you a different IP and port every time you create a tunnel.
    • Twingate also exists, I guess, but I’ve only ever used it for SSH.

  • Wireguard

    You mean Wireshark? It’s possible. You might even capture the DHCP exchange.

    The two best programs for the job are nmap and arp-scan.

    Nmap is like ping on steroids. You can use it for network discovery, port scanning, fingerprinting, and basic pentesting. As long as the pi can talk to the computer, nmap will sniff it out.

    ARP-scan works on the data link layer to identify hosts using ARP. It should be able to return the IP address of all ethernet devices even if they end up in different subnets. It took me a little over two minutes to scan a /16 subnet with one retry and 0.1 second timeout.

    If you are really concerned about the pi’s address, you should run a local DHCP server on the laptop. dnsmasq for Linux and Mac, but I have no idea what to use on Windows (other than a VM bridged to the ethernet interface).

  • I’ve never used a pi, but it should be possible to mount the root partition and edit the /etc/network/interfaces or /etc/dhcpcd.conf file, or /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/* if you have NetworkManager (systemctl status NetworkManager to check).

    You should also make sure that sshd is listening for connections from any address ( and ::).

  • rtxn@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldssh into raspberry without a router
    4 months ago

    Give each device a static address, and set the default gateway to whatever’s on the other end of the cable. You might need a crossover cable, but most NICs can work using a straight-through.

    E.g. set the laptop’s address to and default gateway to, and the RPi’s address to and default gateway to They should be able to talk to each other then.

    If those addresses seem familiar - Windows uses the subnet to automatically assign random addresses if DHCP fails, so that if there are several computers in the subnet, they’ll at least have addresses that can talk to each other. It’s called APIPA in Windows, and Zeroconf in the Unixverse.

  • Proxmox VE on a machine that I got almost for free. Intel i3-4160, 10GB RAM, 240GB SSD for the OS, and a non-redundant 1T HDD for storage. The only things I paid for are a second NIC and an 8GB RAM stick.

    PVE is running a pfSense VM, and a bunch of Debian containers:

    • Samba
    • Jellyfin (still setting it up)
    • Twingate Connector

    All internet traffic goes through the pfSense VM. Unfortunately the ISP has put me behind CGNAT and disabled bridge mode, so my internet-facing things (mostly Wireguard and SSH) are pretty much crippled. Right now my best no-cost option is to use Twingate, but I don’t trust it to handle anything other than SSH.

  • Absolutely anything can be turned into a NAS, as long as you’re aware of your own needs and the hardware’s capabilities. A NAS is just a computer with some specific requirements.

    When I first built my NAS, it only used parts that I got for free. A cheap micro ATX board with only two RAM slots, an i3-4160 CPU, 2x2G RAM, a worn-out SSD, and a 1T HDD. It couldn’t run something like TrueNAS, but it was enough for Proxmox and some Alpine containers running services like Samba, Transmission, Wireguard, and a small Debian VM for me to fuck around with. The single storage disk means there is no redundancy, so I only store replaceable data on it, like TV shows and installers.

    There are many hardware-focused channels on video platforms that offer guides for budget home servers. Wolfgang’s Channel is good, and Hardware Haven and Raid Owl just finished a competition of building a sub-$200 home lab.