Mobile Suit Gundam is a long running mecha franchise that created the “Real Robot” genre. To give a brief explanation, the Real Robot genre typically has a more militaristic feel where …
I agree that at 3 movies of 2+ hours each, that’s too for an introduction.
But until Sunrise does a compilation of the compilations, or just reboots the first TV series entirely into something shorter featuring the “best of” that’s what we’re stuck with as far as original Gundam lore.
The problem isn’t the length but the fact that it’s unwatchable for most anime fans today.
The formula have nothing to do with modern gundams, it would be better to spoil this part of the story to watch the rest later, but community guides refuse to spoil this part, which is very boring to watch.
The problem isn’t the length but the fact that it’s unwatchable for most anime fans today.
I also can agree with that.
The formula have nothing to do with modern gundams
That’s also true.
Modern Gundams have pretty much left the UC timeline and plot, and just feature a mech with Gundam-like features.
One possibility is for Sunrise to do a faster paced reboot of the original Gundam plot, like LoGH did with Die Neue These.
But who knows why they haven’t done that yet.
Actually I can make a good guess: Since Gundam is all about Bandai selling model kits, why should Bandai invest money into a new series that just has slightly updated versions of models that everyone already has?
I agree that at 3 movies of 2+ hours each, that’s too for an introduction.
But until Sunrise does a compilation of the compilations, or just reboots the first TV series entirely into something shorter featuring the “best of” that’s what we’re stuck with as far as original Gundam lore.
The problem isn’t the length but the fact that it’s unwatchable for most anime fans today.
The formula have nothing to do with modern gundams, it would be better to spoil this part of the story to watch the rest later, but community guides refuse to spoil this part, which is very boring to watch.
I also can agree with that.
That’s also true.
Modern Gundams have pretty much left the UC timeline and plot, and just feature a mech with Gundam-like features.
One possibility is for Sunrise to do a faster paced reboot of the original Gundam plot, like LoGH did with Die Neue These.
But who knows why they haven’t done that yet.
Actually I can make a good guess: Since Gundam is all about Bandai selling model kits, why should Bandai invest money into a new series that just has slightly updated versions of models that everyone already has?