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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024

  • Some things others didn’t mention:

    • FOSTA and SESTA, they’re laws designed to remove the “good Samaritarian” clauses from many service providers when it comes to sex related stuff. It is very vaguely written, so likely it is the thing that made Visa and Mastercard overpolice things, not the anti-proshippers.
    • I have read that the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (formerly Morality in Media) uses bad faith arguments to get a de-facto ban on porn. One of these efforts included the aforementioned FOSTA and SESTA. The other seems to be there being a pressure campain to get Visa and Mastercard drop porn altoghether, thus the only real option for paying for it being in either cash or crypto.

    A lot of these organizations try to first make more reasonable sounding arguments before they push for less and less reasonable ones. In the UK, they banned not just the “just drawings”, but also forms of “extreme” pornography, as it could normalize “dangerous sexual acts”. I have a feeling that it has the very same people behind both of them.